Figure 10 is a career Destroyed Due Photos

10. destroyed by the photo in tanks
Mike Dukakis was a governor of Massachusetts and a presidential candidate for Democrats in 1988. During the Dukakis campaign is often considered too "soft" on matters of national defense. That's when someone gives an idea to photograph him in a tank to give the impression that Dukakis is very concerned about defense issues. Unfortunately the photo was actually entailed disaster for him to use his opponent's photograph of George HW Bush's that even convince the public that Dukakis did not deserve to be leaders.

9. Destroyed by the scandal itself caught
In 2002 Shane Gibson is a member of the Parliament of the Bahamas became the Minister of Immigration. In February 2007 after the death of Anna Nicole Smith, a newspaper published photographs showing the famous model and Gibson in bed embracing each other. Although both are fully clothed, foto2 caused controversy because it appears there is sexual relationship between them. Gibson even has menlancarkan Smith's application for permanent residency in the Bahamas. Gibson later resigned because of all the questions and rumors about the nature of relationship with Smith. When Gibson down, he denied any wrongdoing and apologize to everyone who might have been offended.

8. destroyed by marijuana use caught in photos.
Michael Phelps He has won 14 gold medals at the Olympic Games In 2009, photographs by the British tabloid News of the World showed Phelps marijuana use and smoking. After the publication of an investigation carried out but due to lack of evidence Phelps is not subject to fines. But he was suspended from the competition pool during the three bulan.Kellog (cereal company) announced that they will not extend his contract support. Cereals agreement usually costs about $ 250,000. Phelps apologized saying he showed bad judgments and behavior was regrettable.

7. destroyed because photoshop
Millard Tydings is a Democrat, Senator Maryland 1927-1951. In 1950, the Republic of Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed that there were Communist penetration into the federal government and militer.pada during elections, McCarthy's staff distributed a photo Tydings with Earl Browder, a former Communist Party leader. Apparently the photo is a photo photoshop.
created for the Tydings ngejatuhin
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6. Destroyed because of nude photos
In 1983 Vanessa Williams became the first MissAmerika African-American. Ten months after Williams was crowned, he received an anonymous call stating they had her nude photos. The photos were taken in 1982 by Tom Photographer Chiapel when he worked as an assistant and makeup artist for Mount Kisco, New York. According to Williams, Chiapel want to try a new concept of silhouettes with two models perempuan.Williams and several other women pose naked and photographed in various positions of sexual simulation.
A few days later, the publisher of Penthouse, Bob Guccione, the magazine announced that it will publish the photographs in the 1984 edition of September. When the image is outstanding, sponsors threatened to withdraw from the upcoming 1985 contest. Williams later resigned after pressure by the Pageant officials. crown fell to the first runner-up Suzette Charles who is also African-American.

5. Time to make cocaine destroyed by photo
British supermodel Kate Moss is and has appeared in more than 300 magazine covers. In September 2005, the Daily Mirror front page showing raises Moss was using cocaine at a recording studio in West London. This photo was captured during an undercover investigation to the Daily Mirror revealed that Moss, who has repeatedly denied using cocaine, was a cocaine user. In a short time after the photos were published, Moss lost contracts with several major models of international companies such as H & M, Chanel and Burberry. Moss quickly issued an apology but did not admit drug use. In June 2006, stated "I take full responsibility for my actions.", After investigation, the British police dropped the charges for lack of evidence because the alleged pictures of the drug is not verifiable evidence in British courts.

4. destroyed by a boyfriend who was beaten photograph widely circulated
Chris Brown is a American singer and actor who is very popular. On March 5, 2009, Brown was accused of assault and threats pidana.perempuan without a name in the incident claimed he suffered injuries Bruises. Sources identified the victim as his girlfriend and fellow R & B singer Rihanna. Photo leak from the Los Angeles Police Department obtained by TMZ reveal Rihanna injured bruising. After the photo was released, many Browns fans disgusted and angry. After his arrest and release of these photos, some of its discontinued commercial advertisements and music has drawn from several radio stations. Brown also pulled his appearance at the 2009 Grammy Awards. On June 22, 2009, Brown pleaded guilty to criminal assault. Brown received five years probation and ordered to stay fifty yards from Rihanna, except at public events, which will then be reduced to ten meters.

3. careers destroyed because of cheating photo circulating
Gary Hart was a United States Senator from Colorado and the Democratic nomination in the presidential election of 1988. Soon after he announced his candidacy for president, rumors began circulating that Hart was having an affair outside marriage. Hart responded to rumors by the press dare and say "Follow Me, I do not care. I'm serious. If there are people who want to follow me, please. They will be very bored"
Prior to the meeting with the press., Two journalists from the Miami Herald observed a woman identified as Donna Rice came out of Hart's Washington townhouse.
Two days after that, the Herald obtained photographs of Rice sitting in Hart's lap ironically yacht named Monkey Business. Celebrity tabloid The National Enquirer published a photo immediately and within five days, Hart dropped out of Presidential race.

2. destroyed by the artist's photo collection
Edison Chen Hong Kong is very popular in China Canadian movie actor, singer and pop icon. Chen has a total of 16 albums and has appeared in 28 films. In January 2008, Chen was involved in a widely publicized sex scandal when sexually explicit photos of himself and a few actresses to be widely circulated on the Internet. The pictures are taken from Chen's laptop by a technician who was repairing his laptop. There are about 1,300 images, including actresses Gillian Chung, Bobo Chan, Cecilia Cheung and many others. Mr Chen was originally claimed that the photos were fake but later admitted it was he who took the photo. Chen later held a press conference where he said that he was embarrassed and left show business indefinitely. Following his apology Chen attended a rehabilitation center in Utah, for "sex addiction."


Photo taken in 1968 and is one of the most famous images from the 20th century. The picture was taken by photographer Eddie Adams and won a Pulitzer Prize. It is also included in the list of 15 Incredible Historical Photos. Many have seen this picture but most do not know the full story behind it. The man on the left shows the execution of a prisoner in South Vietnam's national police commander, General Loan. When the photo was shown on television and appearing on front pages of newspapers around the world, was seen as an act of cruelty and symbol of war can not be justified. Three months after the photo was taken, the General was seriously injured and taken to Australia for treatment. There is a kind of protest against him that he was transferred to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC. During the fall of Saigon in 1975 he asked for American help in fleeing with his family but was ignored and had to flee with his family on a plane to South Vietnam. General LOAN, settled in northern Virginia, where he eventually opened a pizza restaurant. LOAN later forced to retire when his identity was published to the public. Eddie Adams (photographer) keep in touch and remember the last visit to a pizza shop, he saw written on the bathroom wall: "We know who you are, troublemaker."

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