Here are 10 Discovery Science 2010 World Best
Scientists from various fields such as chemistry, astronomy, biology, archeology, and paleontology have managed to find the facts in science spectacular.  Here is the best scientific discoveries throughout 2010, published by Times Magazine.  Among the list of best invention, there is one invention that is the success of scientists from Indonesia.

1.  Horned dinosaurs.  In September this year, scientists officially named a new group of dinosaurs called Kosmoceratops.  Weight class of dinosaurs reached 2500 pounds.  And, that makes it unique is the presence of 15 units of horns on his head. Kosmoceratops actually been discovered in 2007, but scientists can identify new this year.  Group was allegedly living dinosaurs 76 million years ago in what is now known as Utah, USA.

2.  Muons and the Formation of the Universe.
  Scientists say that the amount of matter and anti matter produced before the big bang should be different.  Only difference is what allows the creation of semsta. Previously, the difference was only possible in theory.  Until this year, experiments at the Fermilab particle found that muons (sub-atomic particles such as electrons) generated a surplus of 1% anti-muons.Differences muons and anti-muons are indeed not too much.  However, the scientists said the amount was enough to spur the creation of the universe.

3.  Months More Than Wet Sahara.  Mission Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) successfully found the presence of water on the moon, precisely in the moon's south pole region.  The amount of water on the surface of the moon which is found in such research is surprising, more than 50% of the expected. Water contained in the moon's south pole is contained in the form of ice mixed with other materials.  The researchers said the ice that can be processed into pure water.  Hl it can cut costs for the mission to the moon landing did not have to carry water from the earth.

4.  Mexico Teotihuacan Pyramids.  The archaeologists who studied Teotihuacan Pyramids Mexico managed to find a corridor 12 feet wide complete with the roof.  With the invention of the corridor, the archaeologists hope to find the road to the cemetery of the rabbi or religious leader in the Mexican civilization.

5.  Genes Cause Aging.  Why do certain people seem old fast?  Geneticists have found that it was caused by the act of TERC gene.  The gene determines telomere length, a kind of cap found on the ends of chromosomes. People carrying the gene will tend to experience more rapid aging because telomernya will shorten faster.  People who carry one copy of the gene for example, will look the same old with people who are 3-4 years older than him. Research on the TERC gene were published in the journal Genetics.

6.  Extra Solar Planets.  The researchers found that there are many planets outside our solar system.  One of them is HIP 13044b planet discovered by astronomers from Indonesia, Johny Setiawan.  The planet is actually an extra-solar planets, but entered the Milky Way galaxy. The discovery of extra-solar planets is the existence of seven planets orbiting the star HD 10180.  Meanwhile, the discovery of other planets are also fascinating is Gliese 581g, extra-solar planets orbiting the star at a distance said that was not too cold nor PNAS, like the earth orbiting the sun.

7.  Metamaterial.  This discovery made by Professor Martin McCall and Imperial College, London.  Metamaterial made is said to be "stirred" the flow of electromagnetic energy.  light passing through the metamaterial will be scattered unevenly, forming a gap between space and time.

8.  The discovery of Australopithecus sediba.  The scientists found fossils of Australopithecus sediba, an ancient human species in the region Malapa, South Africa.  The fossil was probably derived from the 2 million years ago.

The palaentolog suspect, relates to the fossil hominid Homo erectus by evolutionary then evolved into Homo sapens or modern humans.  The discovery of this species, according to the scientists, could complement the data of human evolution.

9.  Ununseptium.  Unuseptium which temporarily is named Element 117 is a combination of isotope and calcium berkelium created by scientists at Dubna, Russia.  The physicists say that these compounds could indicate "island of stability", where the heaviest element that can last for months.

10.  Cats Secret sipping milk.  Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Virgiania Tech and Princeton University discovered the secret of how a cat slurping milk.  They found that when the cat will drink, her tongue mebentuk first letter J. Due to these capabilities, cats do not need to enter the entire tongue into a container of milk.  A form letter allows the formation of milk in the lane between the tongue that moves with the liquid surface.  When the cat's mouth shut, milk can be drunk without causing chin became wet.

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