Power Balance Bracelet Scam

Bracelet Hand Power Balance Power Balance producers open statement which admitted no strong evidence of efficacy of silicone bracelets direct homemade skyrocketed so Trending Topics on Twitter.  On Tuesday (01/04/2011) morning, the keyword 'Power Balance Admits Their' second shot at the hottest topic on the microblogging service.

Those keywords associated with the number of Twitter users who forward the message or retweet from Gizmodo article, one of the blogs that preach technology startling statement.  Complete title of the article written Gizmodo is 'Power Balance Admits Their Wristbands Are a Scam' (Power Balance Bracelet homemade Recognizing the Scam).  Sam is an effort to deceive others by submitting the evidence seems strong.

In a statement, Power Balance bracelet manufacturer admitted no scientific evidence that its product efficacious.  Previously, Power Balance heavily promoting that band of silicon material that accompanied the hologram can improve strength, balance, and flexibility of the wearer's body.

'We acknowledge that there is no credible scientific evidence to support our claims and that includes misleading actions, "writes Power Balance bracelet manufacturer on its website.

The statement was intended as a clarification of their ad spend.  In addition, the manufacturer of bracelets 'merit' is also apologize if there are buyers who felt cheated by the campaign that he did.  They can request a refund through the website or call the hotline provided until June 30, 2011.

However, the statement just issued by the manufacturer of Power Balance in Australia because the campaign made a breach Trade Practices Act in the country.  It is unclear whether the Power Balance will also do the same internationally, including in Indonesia.

During this Power Balance has flooded the country.  Not a few users who are wearing because they believe with his usefulness to the body.  Moreover, Power Balance promoted by the testimony of athletes and celebrities the world.  In fact, so his best-selling bracelets in circulation is also similar to the much cheaper price.

NhamNgaHanh is the founder and editor in chief of SimplexDesign blog ,a blog on Blogger tips ,tricks ,designer resources and many premium Blogger templates for free use.