World's Most Expensive Shoes Worth £ 100 thousand

The shoe enthusiast from among the jet set now busy-busy lining up ordering the most expensive shoes in the world, worth 100 thousand pounds, or about 1.3 billion rupiah gan! Shoes branded "Eternal Diamond Stiletto" is made of pure gold and studded with genuine diamonds. This phenomenal shoe created by the House of Borgezie.


Why can be very expensive price?
Because of this shoe is made of pure gold raw materials and the original diamond. One shoe to spend 2200 points 30 carat of glittering diamonds adorning it. Skilled hands who designed this luxury shoe is Christopher Michael Shellis, a British jewelry designer.

Buyers of shoes is certainly not an ordinary person, considering the price is very expensive. According to gossip, famous names such as Victoria Beckham and Paris Hilton have signed up to order these exclusive shoes.

Warranty 1000 (Thousand) Year!
Shellis, the creator said that this shoe is not just a footwear, but rather into the category of jewelry "Jewelry is an exclusive and enduring, like diamonds." No kidding, any warranty really awesome. Namely during 1000 (one thousand) years! These shoes can be inherited by children and grandchildren as appropriate a royal crown or family jewelry.

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