Young men Extraordinary World's Most Influential Internet

Larry Page dan Sergey Brin

Finding Google in 1998 when they were 24 years old.  Starting in the garage which is the "office" their first, two men inspired thousands of young people to make money online.  Larry and Sergey then create a company worth multi-billion dollar one that rocked the Internet.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard University student who found up as a social networking platform for young people in college when he was 19 years old.  Facebook is now the largest social networking website second only to MySpace.  Up continues to grow day after day, with millions of new users continue to register each month.

Steve Chen and Chad Hurley

The creators of the website "online video sharing", YouTube.  They founded YouTube in 2005 when Chad was 28 years and Steve's 27 years.  YouTube later acquired by Google with a value of $ 1.65 billion.

Jerry Yang and David Filo

In 1995 two men were found Yahoo, search engine is Google's closest rival.  The 26-year-old Jerry and David Filo 28 years old when they were created Yahoo! These two men may now be more warm-warm talk about the people, after Microsoft launched a bid worth U.S. $ 44.6 billion to take over Yahoo.

Matt Mullenweg
Matt Mullenweg was 19 years old when he created the blogging platform that is now used everywhere.  He founded the WordPress blogging platform in 2005, and since then the blogosphere began to evolve.  People began moving from MovableType to WordPress and other platforms, because this new platform is easy to use and always updated and continues to increase.

Tom Anderson

Creating a social network # 1 in the world with more than 100 million users, Tom Anderson founded MySpace in 2004 when she was only 23 years.  He may not be as rich as Mark Zuckerberg, but he noted as the founder of the social network that is used most widely on the Internet.

Joe Hewitt & Blake Ross

In 2003, Blake Ross founded the Mozilla when he was 19 years old.  Since then, Mozilla is growing very rapidly, tempting Internet users to use their own Mozilla Firefox browser, which proved to be more easily operated than most other web browser applications.

Pierre Omidyar
In 1995 when she was only 28 years, Pierre Omidyar founded eBay, the online auction world.  Since then, many people appreciate his findings, which prompted eBay to the world platform.

NhamNgaHanh is the founder and editor in chief of SimplexDesign blog ,a blog on Blogger tips ,tricks ,designer resources and many premium Blogger templates for free use.