Apparently Men More Like Women Who 'Body' Him Not Thin

Any news exciting for young women who are unhappy because they feel their bodies are not as beautiful as the model. Apparently, he fell in love with a woman with body shape mediocre and normal weight.

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In fact, he reportedly did not like the woman who was thin like the models in this catwalk.Hal based on research from the University of St Andrews in Scotland.

As quoted from Genius Beauty, a team of researchers from the University of St Andrews involving students and the student as object of study. A total of 84 female students were given questions about their health. The team also measured the blood pressure of the object of study, then take their pictures one by one. Then, the image is shown in the other group consists of students. Objects are asked to rate the student in terms of attractiveness and health.
The majority of young men were more like the student who has a normal body weight. In this study, female students with normal weight and healthy is ranked top in terms of health and attractiveness. This should be a consideration for young women who felt compelled to make them even thinner body to be considered attractive. Researchers encourage women to believe in the assessment of the men aged between 18 to 25 years because in reality they prefer normal-weight women, not girls like Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie.

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